User dueclix

Member for: 3 years (since Aug 12, 2021)
Type: Registered user
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About: There is no denying that electric scooters will be the future of urban commute, at least for short distances! They make it easier to maneuver through traffic and find parking while helping you reduce your carbon footprint – now that is all a win-win isn’t it? Now, what if your electric scooter could also be your adventure buddy and conquer all kinds of terrains with you? Because it actually can – say hello to Phat Scooter’s latest HD electric scooter! Think of it as the child of your electric bike and an electric scooter ATV.The most impressive and unique part about this scooter is its wide wheels which increase the stability and give the rider better balance. Unlike many other small scooters, the E-scooter electric scooter lets you ride anywhere – cement, asphalt, grass, dirt, or sand. Now only if it had snow tires, every New Yorker would get this!The harder you pedal, the bigger the boost, the faster you’ll ride—to a point. Electric bicycles let you hum along at a brisk clip, but they aren’t motorcycles. Getting an electric motorbike can dramatically increase how often you ride, according to a survey of nearly 1,800 e-bike owners in North America.

Activity by dueclix

Score: 100 points (ranked #12)
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